Brooklyn Boulders - Eckington
Brooklyn Boulders - Eckington is a great climbing gym in Washington, United States.
Brooklyn Boulders - Eckington
Eckington Place Northeast 1611
Washington 20002,
United States
You can learn even more about Brooklyn Boulders - Eckington on their website:
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With Redpoint you can track your climbing and boulder sessions, and get detailed feedback on your ascents such as duration, difficulty of route, and ascending speed.
Use your Apple Watch or iPhone as a fitness tracker for bouldering and climbing. Contribute your climbing session to closing your daily rings! Workouts are stored in HealthKit and therefore visible in the Health app and Workouts app as well.
After each session you will see detailed information about your climbs: the overall height, your heart rate, duration, maximum ascent height, ascending speed, difficulty of routes, and most importantly: Redpoint will give you personalized training suggestions based on that data. How to go from V4 to V5? Or from 5.11b to 5.11c? Redpoint creates a training plan just for you to achieve your next climbing goals.
So, how does that work?
Thanks to highly advanced machine learning we are able to classify climbing movements right on Apple Watch. In addition to that we use the built-in barometer to measure the ascended altitude. You can track the difficulty of ascended routes right from the Apple Watch.
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